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🌎 How You Can Celebrate Earth Day with NASA

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Earth Day 2021 – Connected By Earth
NASA Earth science studies our planet all day, every day.

On Earth Day, April 22, we take time to celebrate this wondrous planet with special discussions, virtual events, and activities. Like our satellites, however, Earth science goes on year-round, and we continuously create videos, activities, news and more to tell the story of what’s happening on and with our planet.

To help get you started in your Earth Day celebrations, visit here. You also can find a variety of resources in our Earth Day 2021 Toolkit.
Earth Day Q&A with Astronauts in Space | Hosted by Shawn Mendes
Earth Day in Space – Singer-songwriter Shawn Mendes will join five astronauts living and working aboard the International Space to discuss how we’re all #ConnectedByEarth, asking questions from young people around the world about Earth Day, climate change, and how the astronauts study Earth from space. The event will air on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency’s website at 11 a.m. EDT April 22.
NASA Science Live: Connected by Earth
NASA Science Live – Join NASA climate experts to learn about the connections between human activity and climate change. Tag your questions using #AskNASA and we may have your question answered live during “NASA Science Live” at 3 p.m. EDT April 22.
Get Social – Connect with us on April 22 by posting an image on social media of the bit of Earth that connects you to our planet – get yourselves in there, too, if you want to – and tag it with #ConnectedByEarth. You can use our two filters on our @NASAEarth Instagram to put yourself in space or carry the planet with you.
Virtual Exhibit – You’re invited to our 2021 Virtual Earth Day Event, held April 21-24! The event features a variety of activities, including live talks, games, videos, and great downloadable posters and books. Online registration is free and open now!
Earth Day Poster – From big to small, we’re all connected. For the latest in our series of Earth Day posters, honeybees’ connections to their hives and to our lives made them the perfect subject. Download the poster, backgrounds and watch a video about what inspired the artwork.
Learn More about What Connects Us – Find out how our vegetation, ice, water, land, and other Earth systems not only connect to each other, but also to us in a special series of articles and videos for Earth Day 2021


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