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Directions (1-10) : In the
following questions, some parts of the
sentences have errors and some are
correct. Find out which part of a
sentence has an error. The number
of that part is the answer. If a sentence
is free from error, your answer is No
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 1997)
1. You must either (1)/ be regular
with your studies (2)/ and study
for longer period before the ex-
amination. (3)/ No error (4)
2. The new taxation rates (1)/ an-
nounced by the government (2)/
are bound to effect the export
sector. (3)/ No error (4)
3. These days, job opportunities are
not as better (1)/ as they used to
be (2)/ in the early 70's. (3)/ No
error (4)
4. When viewed with his point of
view, the (1) / entire episode as-
sumes (2)/ a different colour al-
together. (3)/ No error (4)
5. On many occasions (1)/ we did
helped the poor (2)/ people by
way of giving them food to eat
and clothes to put on. (3)/ No
error (4)
6. Unless it is accepted to both the
parties, an (1)/ arbitrator would
be of no (2)/ use to settle this dis-
pute. (3)/ No error (4)
7. Although the manager was keen
on getting the work (1)/ done
through Sudhir yesterday, (2)/ he
tries to avoid it (3)/ No error (4)
8. The various consequences of(1)/
the decision taken by the (2)/ fi-
nance ministry was not foreseen by
the bureaucrats. (3)/ No error (4)
9. I never considered him to be a
person who would (1)/ go back
on his promise and (2)/ then do
not even apologise. (3)/ No error (4)
10. Having finished at school (1)/
Raghu thought/ of going to
Bombay in (2)/ search some job.
(3)/ No error (4)
Directions (11-20) : Read each of
the following sentences to find out if there
is any error in it. The error, if any, will
be in one part of it. The number of that
part is the answer. If there is No error
your answer is (4), i.e. No error.
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 09.09.2001)
11. When shall we (1)/ arrive (2)/
to our destination ? (3)/ No
error. (4)
12. Based on the newspaper reports,
(1)/ we can conclude that (2)/
many accidents caused by reck-
less driving. (3)/ No error. (4)
13. Females (1)/ are not appointed
(2)/ in our college. (3)/ No
error. (4)
14. The officer (1)/ is angry on the
clerk (2)/ for not attending to
the work. (3)/ No error. (4)
15. No sooner (1)/ I had spoken, (2)
than he left. (3)/ No error. (4)
16. Computer education (1)/ in uni-
versities and colleges (2) leaves
much to be desired. (3)/ No
error. (4)
17. You will be prosecuted (1)/ for
bringing seeds (2)/ into Austra-
lia. ( (3)/ No error. (4)
18. You must either tell me (1)/ the
whole story or, at least (2)/ the
first half of it. (3)/ No error. (4)
19. Our new neighbours (1)/ had
been living in Arizona (2)/ since
ten years before moving to their
present house. (3)/ No error. (4)
20. The patient (1)/ was accompa-
nied (2)/ with his friend. (3)/
No error. (4)
Directions (21-25) : In the follow-
ing questions, some of the sentences
have errors and some have none. Find
out which part of a sentence has an
error and mark (1), (2) or (3) as your
answer. If there is No error, mark (4)
as your answer.
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 16.11.2003)
21. A city dweller finds it difficult (1)/
to pass away the time (2)/ in a
village. (3)/ No error. (4)
22. Visitors (1)/ were not permitted
(2)/ entering the park (3)/ after
dark. No error (4)
23. The fifth and final act (1)/ of
Macbeth contain (2)/ the sleep-
walking scene. (3)/ No error. (4)
24. One of the terrorists (1)/ of the
Kashmir valley (2)/ are shot dead.
(3)/ No error (4)
25. Ten kilometres (1)/ is (2)/ a long
distance to walk. (3)/ No error (4)
Directions (26-35) : In the fol-
lowing questions, some of the sen-
tences have errors and some have
none. Find out which part of a sen-
tence has an error and indicate ap-
propriate number (1, 2, 3). If there is
No error, indicate corresponding num-
ber (4) as your answer.
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
 Exam. 14.12.2003)
26. I saw him (1)/a couple of times
(2)/ since May(3). /No error (4)
27. Tea (1)/which I am drinking (2)/
is hot (3). /No error (4)
28. Although the police officer
sympathised with poor (1)/ he
refused to (2) /take an action
against the rich man (3). /No
error (4)
29. We were looking forward (1)/ to
hear news (2)/about the miss-
ing fishermen (3)./ No error (4)
30. The actress (1)/was shocked
(2)/by the news of her dog’s
death (3). /No error (4)
31. One of the questions (1)/ he
asked me was (2)/ “Who did you
travel with (3) ?” /No error (4) )
32. I know (1)/a doctor (2)/you are
referring to (3)./No error (4))
33. The introduction of job-oriented
courses (1)/in the self-financing
colleges (2)/ attract many stu-
dents (3)./ No error (4)
34. It is better (1)/to keep one’s
head in the face of danger than
(2)/losing one’s courage (3). /No
error (4)
35. The short story (1)/should not
exceed (2)/more than two hun-
dred words (3)./No error (4)
Directions (36-45) : In the fol-
lowing questions, some of the sentenc-
es have errors and some have none.
Find out which part of a sentence has
an error; mark (4) as your answer.
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 05.12.2004
36. To die with honour (1)/is better
than (2)/live with dishonour.(3)/
No error. (4)
37. It is I (1)/who is to blame.(2)/for
this bad situation(3)./ No error.(4)
38. Gowri told me(1)/his name af-
ter(2)/he left. (3)/ No error. (4)
39. John would have told (1)/you the
truth (2)/ if you had asked him.
(3)/ No error. (4)
40. My sister (1)/has read (2)/pag-
es after pages of the Bible. (3)/
No error. (4)
41. Your success in the IAS exami-
nations depends not only on (1)/
what papers you have selected
(2)/but on how you have writ-
ten them. (3) No error. (4)
42. Heavy rain (1)/prevented us (2)/
to go to the cinema. (3)/No er-
ror. (4)
43. If majority of the individuals in
a State (1)/prosper (2)/the State
itself would prosper. (3) /No er-
ror. (4)
44. If motorists do not observe the
traffic regulations (1)/they will
be stopped, ticketed (2)/and
have to pay a fine. (3)/ No er-
ror. (4)
45. He asked (1)/supposing if he
fails (2)/ what he would do. (3)/
No error. (4)
Directions (46-55) : In the fol-
lowing questions, some of the sen-
tences have errors and some have
none. Find out which part of a sen-
tence has an error and mark (1), (2) or
(3). It there is No error, your answer
is (4).
(SSC Section Officer (Audit)
Exam. 05.06.2005)
46. We had a lot of difficulty(1)/to
find (2)/the house. (3)/ No er-
ror. (4).
47. Patience as well as perseverance
(1)/are necessary (2)/for suc-
cess. (3)/ No error/(4).
48. The passer-by told us (1)/where
was the marriage hall (2)/and
even led us to it. (3)/ No error/(4).
49. The increase in consumption is
directly (1)/proportional to the
increase (2)/in income. (3)/No
error. (4).
50. In Singapore (1)/my brother-in-
law with his wife (2)/were
present at the function. (3)/No
error. (4).
51. Scarcely had (1)/I arrived than
(2)/the train left. (3)/No error. (4).
52. The reason why (1)/he was re-
jected (2)/was because he was
too young. (3)/No error. (4).
53. Teachers of various schools (1)/
met to discuss about (2)/how to
improve the standard of English.
(3)/No error. (4).
54. His tradition-bound attitude (1)/
had to be a constant source of
dissatisfaction (2)/among the
younger members of the family.
(3)/No error. (4).
55. The two first to arrive (1)/were
the lucky recipients (2)/of a sur-
prise gift. (3)/No error. (4).
Directions (56-65) : In the fol-
lowing questions, some of the sen-
tences have errors and some have
none. Find out which part of a sen-
tence has an error. The number of that
part is your answer. If there is No er-
ror, the answer is (4).
(SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade-IV Exam. 31.7.2005)
56. Two hours have passed (1)/
since (2)/he had fallen asleep.
(3)/No error (4).
57. Having broken down (1)/the
driver sent the car (2)/to the ga-
rage. (3)/No error (4).
58. He is one of those writers (1)/
who has won acclaim (2)/the
world over.(3)/No error (4).
59. The mason will not (1)/do the
work (2)/except give the order.
(3)/No error (4).
60. When students are ill (1)/they
find that they have a lot of work
(2)/to catch up with when they
return. (3)/No error (4).
61. Scarcely did I reach the airport,
(1)/nervous and tense, than the
plane took off, (2)/leaving me
stranded in an alien place. (3)/
No error (4).
62. The power to (1)/distinguish be-
tween differences (2)/is the ba-
sis of science and art. (3)/No
error (4).
63. I have (1)/seen her only once (2)/
but I’m liking her a lot. (3)/No
error (4).
64. I told him (1)/that we enjoyed
very much (2)/at the party. (3)/
No error (4).
65. John is working very hardly (1)/
as the examinations (2)/are fast
approaching. (3)/No error (4).
Directions (66 – 70) : In the fol-
lowing questions some of the sentences
have errors and some have none. Find
out which part of a sentence has an
error and mark (1), (2) or (3) as answer.
If there is No error, mark (4) as your
(SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit)
Exam. 25.09.2005)
66. He ate (1)/ nothing (2)/ since
yesterday (3)/. No error (4)
67. An experimental vaccine (1)/ has
brought (2)/ glimmer of hope for
the malarial researchers (3)/. No
error (4)
68. After making me wait for two
agonising hours (1)/ the great
man called me in (2)/ and asked
me what do I want (3)/. No error (4)
69. The ebb and flow of the tides (1)/
are (2)/ now understood (3)/. No
error (4)
70. The green paint on the wall (1)/
provides a suitable contrast (2)/
with the yellow doors (3)/. No
error (4)
Directions (71–80) : In the
following questions, some of the
sentences have errors and some have
none. Find out which part of sentence
has an error. If there is No error, your
answer is (4).
(SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax &
Central Excise) Exam. 11.12.2005)
71. Even today (1)/ it is incredulous
to think (2)/ that men have
walked on the moon. /(3) No
error. (4)
72. The firemen wore (1)/ inflamma-
ble clothing (2)/ for protection. /
(3) No error. (4)
73. Beside food, (1)/ the pilgrims car-
ried (2)/ some medicines. /(3) No
error. (4)
74. Adults suffering chicken pox (1)/
can develop (2)/ all kinds of com-
plications (3) No error. (4)
75. The well-known pianist (1)/ had
to practice for several hours a day
(2)/ even after he rose to fame.
(3)/ No error. (4)
76. The Prime Minister was asked (1)/
to write a forward (2)/ to the book.
(3)/ No error. (4)
77. I must complement you (1)/ on
your good manners (2)/ and your
impeccable behaviour. (3)/ No
error. (4)


1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (1)
5. (2) 6. (1) 7. (3) 8. (3)
9. (3) 10. (3) 11. (3) 12. (3)
13. (4) 14. (2) 15. (2) 16. (3)
17. (3) 18. (1) 19. (3) 20. (3)
21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (2) 24. (3)
25. (4) 26. (1) 27. (1) 28. (1)
29. (2) 30. (3) 31. (4) 32. (2)
33. (3) 34. (3) 35. (3) 36. (4)
37. (2) 38. (3) 39. (4) 40. (3)
41. (3) 42. (3) 43. (3) 44. (3)
45. (2) 46. (2) 47. (2) 48. (2)
49. (4) 50. (3) 51. (2) 52. (3)
53. (2) 54. (4) 55. (1) 56. (3)
57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (3) 60. (3)
61. (2) 62. (2) 63. (3) 64. (2)
65. (1) 66. (1) 67. (3) 68. (3)
69. (2) 70. (4) 71. (2) 72. (2)
73. (1) 74. (1) 75. (2) 76. (2)
77. (1)


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