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Important Idioms and Phrases Starting with “A”

Important Idioms and Phrases Starting with “A”  Idioms and Phrases Meaning Sentence Achilles Heel Weak Spot Fear of heights was his Achilles heel A bone of contention The main issue of disagreement J & K is the bone of contention between India and Pakistan  A dead letter A law that is not repealed but is not being followed by anyone The Uniform Civil Code is a dead letter. At the eleventh hour At last moment She submitted her assignment at the eleventh hour. A queer fish Strange personality Due to her mismatched clothing, she was a queer fish in the party. A worm's eye view Limited understanding due to lack of broad perspective He was stuck as at the same post for very long as he had a worm’s eye view about technology. An ace up your sleeve secret knowledge or skill that will give you an advantage India has an ace up his sleeve while dealing with China Apple of one's eyes Someone or something very precious or dear. His new baby girl was the apple of his eye. Ask