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Showing posts with the label C CERTIFICATE EXAM QUESTIONS PAPER 2021

Social Awareness & Community Development

            Social Awareness & Community                  Development 30 Marks 1) Social services performed by NCC                 Cadet What is it ?    Answer : -        (i) Blood donation       (ii) Plantation      (iii) Cleanliness Campaign      (iv) Adult education       (v) Awareness rally (Drug-free against                                                    evils Campaign,                                                      dowry prevention,                                                child Marriage etc.)                                   2) Write the full form : -     (i) AIDS - Acquired Immuno Difficiency                          Syndrome    (ii) PMGSY - Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak                          Yojna   (iii) NGO - Non Government Organization   (iv) NREGA - National Rural Employment                          Guarantee Act    (v) IAY - Indira Aawas Yojna                  3) What is the main cause of AIDS ?   Answer : -      (i) Unprotected Sex     (ii