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✍️✍️✍️A proverb is provided :✍️✍️✍️✍️
A proverb is provided in the question, you have to select the option which explains the meaning of this proverb.
1. A chip of old block
a. A piece of wood
b. An old friend
c. Characteristics of one’s ancestors
d. To good bargain

2. To smell a rat
a. To detect a bad smell
b. To misunderstand
c. To suspect a trick or deceit
d. To see hidden meaning

3. To take people by storm
a. To put people in utter surprise
b. To captivate them unexpectedly
c. To exploit people’s agitation
d. To bring out something sensational attracting

4. To through up the sponge
a. To surrender or give up a contest
b. To offer a challenge
c. To become utterly disappointed
d. To maintain grit and enthusiasm until the end
5. Harp on
a. To comment
b. To criticize
c. To keep on talking
d. To keep on insulting

6. To catch somebody on the hop
a. To give someone a surprise
b. To catch somebody off guard
c. To stand in the way of someone
d. To catch somebody suddenly

7. To spill the beans
a. To reveal secret information
b. To misbehave
c. To keep secrets
d. To talk irrelevant

8. To bring one’s eggs to a bad market
a. To face a humiliating situation
b. To bring one’s commodities to a market where there is no demand for them
c. To show one’s talents before audience which is incapable of appreciating them
d. To fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong people for help
9. To hit below the belt
a. To work confidentially
b. To harm unfairly
c. To strike at the exact position
d. To hit the correct mark

10. To get cold feet
a. To run for life
b. To be afraid
c. To fall sick
d. To become discourteous

11. To take a leap in the dark
a. To take risk
b. To hazard one self
c. To do a task secretly
d. To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result

12. To give/get the bird
a. To get the awaited
b. To have good luck
c. To send away
d. To get the impossible

13. To be at daggers drawn
a. To be frightened
b. To be ready to face danger
c. To threaten one
d. To be bitter enemy

14. To turn up one’s nose at a thing
a. To show eagerness to have something
b. To show indifference
c. To treat it with contemptuous dislike or disgust
d. To start to grapple with it

15. To save one’s face
a. To hide oneself
b. To oppose
c. To evade disgrace
d. To say plainly

16. To break the ice
a. to start quarrelling
b. to end the hostility
c. to start a conversation
d. to end up partnership

17. To wash one’s dirty linen in public
a. To criticize one’s nature in public
b. To quarrel in the open
c. To do some ugly work in public
d. To discuss dirty and scandalous matters of personal nature in the presence of strangers

18. To blow hot and cold
a. changing weather
b. to be untrustworthy
c. to be inconsistent
d. to be rich and poor frequently

19. To throw dust in one’s eyes
a. To show false things
b. To make blind
c. To harm someone
d. To deceive

20. To be rolling in money
a. Wasting a lot of money
b. Very rich
c. Borrowing money liberally
d. Spending more than his income
Test Answer
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (b)


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