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All NCC Full Forms

           All NCC Full Forms

NCC - National Cadet Corps

WT - Weapon Training

RL - Rocket launcher

MR - Map Reading

HE - Horizontal Equivalent

VI  - Vertical Interval

GR - Grid Refrence

SC - Saurya Chakra

KC - Kriti Chakra

OP - Observer Post

LP - Leasning Post

RT - Radio Telephony

WT - Weapon Training

VS - Visual Signalling

PO - Post Office

PS - Police Station

NGO - Non Government Organization

IAY   - Indira Awas Yojana

HIV - Human Immune Deficiency Viruses

NEC - National Electric Code

SLR - Self Loading Rifle

MMG - Medium Machine Gun

LMG - Light Machine Gun

AGL - Automatic Granade Launcher

MOR - Mortar

AOC - Army Ordinance Corps

AMC - Army Medical Corps

AEC - Army Education Corps

SMC - Sten Machine Carbine

UAC - In Armed Combat

RDX - Research Development eXplosive

YEP - Youth Exchange Programme

HOD - Holding Opening/Opticatch Device

CWS - Cadets Wellfare Society

NIC - National Integration Camp

GSB - Gropu Support Battalion

MGO - Multi Granade Launcher

HHT - Hard Hunting Team

COS - Chief of the Staff

ROP - Road Opening Party

BOP - Border Observer Post

ADP - Area Dominate Petrol

MGL - Multy Granade Launcher

POP - Plaster Of Paris / Passing Out Parade

CMP - Core Of Military Police

SSC - Social Service Camp

SSC - Short Service Commission

ALC - Advance Leadership Camp

PTC - Para Troupers Camp

IDC - Independence Day Camp

RDC - Republic Day Camp

TSC - Thak Sainik Camp

HTC - Heaking Tracking Camp

SSB - Service Selection Board

SSB - Sastra Sima Bal

IMA - Indian Military Academy

OTA - Officer Training Academy

CDS - Combined Defence Service

ACC - Army Credit Corps

RRT - Rappid Response Team

SDS - Signal Dispatch Service

NCO - Non Commissioned Officer

JCO - Junior Commissioned Officer

ANO - Associate NCC Officer

CTO - Care Taker Officer

RAF - Rappid Action Force

QRT - Quick Reaction Team

HAM - High & Might

ATM - Automatic Tailor Machine

RVC - Remount & Veterinary Corps

ADA - Air Defence Academy

SCO - Signal Communication Officer

INS - Indian Naval Ship

GPS - Global Positioning System

FUP - Furning Up Place

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

MCP - Mobile Check Post

GCI - Girl's Cadet Instructor

TPT - Training Practice Tracer

RMO - Regemental Medical Officer

MPI - Mean Point Of Impact

AAD - Army Air Defence

TRB - Three Round Brust

EME - Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

DSC - Defence Security Corps

COC - Centrally Organised Camp

RCC - Rock Climbing Camp

DSR - Detail Sniper Rifle

NDMA - National Disaster Management                     Authority

NIDM - National Institute Of Disaster                         Management

GRAD - Group Range Add Discription

GRIT - Group Range Indication Of Target                  Type Of Fire

HHTI - Hand Held Thermal Imager

COAS - Chief Of the Army Staff

ATGM - Anty Tank Guided Misail

UPSC - Union Public Service Commission

UBGL - Under Barrel Granade Launcher

BFNA - Battle Field Nursing Assistant

ROFT - Raccee Order Firing Transport

INSAS - Indian Small Arm System

AISTC - All India Summer Training Camp

NAREGA - National Rural Employment                             Guarantee Act

FC & BC - Field Craft & Battle Craft

INMARSAT - Indian Marytime Satellite


                  Jai Hind 🇮🇳🌹🇮🇳



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