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Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “J”,K,L,M,N,I,P,Q,R

Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “J” Idioms and Phrases Meaning Sentence Jump the gun Do something too early, especially without thinking The media jumped the gun and gave out their verdict of the scandal even before the investigation was complete Jack of all trades somebody who has many skills or who is versatile in every field. Sandeep is the jack of all trades as he can teach, sung and do many different jobs at a time. Jump to conclusion form an opinion or judgement hastily. Wait till we get the report; don’t jump to a conclusion. Jam on the brakes   to press the brakes suddenly and in a hard way. I had to jam on the brakes because a kid suddenly appeared from nowhere and crossed the road. John Hancock A person's signature. Put your John Hancock at the bottom of the will. Jump on the bandwagon To profit from a craze; to join a trend. After the incredible success of the new product, the company has jumped on the bandwagon and released a new version of it. Ju

Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “C,D,E,F,G,H,I

Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “C” Idioms and Phrases Meaning Sentence Cannot stomach someone or something not to be able to tolerate or endure someone My sister cannot stomach violent movies. ­­­­­ Can of worms A situation that, once started, is likely to become problematic or have a negative outcome. Getting involved in the minor border conflict has become a can of worms for the country, with no end to the military engagement in sight Can't cut the mustard Someone who isn't adequate to compete or participate The new servant keeps mixing up orders and just can't cut the mustard. Can't see the woods for the trees Cannot see, understand, or focus on a situation in its entirety due to being preoccupied with minor details The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn't see the wood for the trees. Carried all before one's to overcome all obstacles; to have uninterrupted success. Wherever she addressed public meetings she c

Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “B

Important Idioms and Phrases starting with “B” Idioms and Phrases Meaning Sentence Back to square one to go back to the beginning I picked up all the leaves and branches from my lawn yesterday but there was a storm last night and now I’m back to square one. Back on one’s feet to be healthy again after sickness. I couldn’t do anything for two weeks while I had the flu but now I’m back on my feet. By hook or by Crook At any cost /by fair or unfair mean. I decided that I was going to get that job by hook or by crook. Blow one's trump self-praise Anyone will tell you she's one of the best journalists we've got, although she'd never blow her own horn. Beat the air do useless effort The candidates for office were so much alike that we thought our vote amounted to beating the air. Bed of thorns Full of difficulties Life of an ill person always remains a bed of thorns. Beat about the bush To discuss a topic without being specific about anything Don't beat around

Important Idioms and Phrases Starting with “A”

Important Idioms and Phrases Starting with “A”  Idioms and Phrases Meaning Sentence Achilles Heel Weak Spot Fear of heights was his Achilles heel A bone of contention The main issue of disagreement J & K is the bone of contention between India and Pakistan  A dead letter A law that is not repealed but is not being followed by anyone The Uniform Civil Code is a dead letter. At the eleventh hour At last moment She submitted her assignment at the eleventh hour. A queer fish Strange personality Due to her mismatched clothing, she was a queer fish in the party. A worm's eye view Limited understanding due to lack of broad perspective He was stuck as at the same post for very long as he had a worm’s eye view about technology. An ace up your sleeve secret knowledge or skill that will give you an advantage India has an ace up his sleeve while dealing with China Apple of one's eyes Someone or something very precious or dear. His new baby girl was the apple of his eye. Ask


  Indian Constitution had 395 Articles and 8 Schedules. It was framed by a Constituent Assembly which was established for the purpose in 1946. The Constitution of India is the lengthiest constitution in the world as no other constitution contains as many articles. The constitution of the USA has 7 Articles, China 138, Japanese 103 and Canadian 107 Articles. Now there are a total of 448 articles divided into 25 parts and 12 schedules in the Indian Constitution. The question, however, is still asked from an older version of the constitution. Here is a compiled list of some important articles which you must read and get a fair idea to get well prepared for the upcoming exams List of Important Articles of the Indian Constitution S. No. Elements Article 1. Fundamental Rights 14-35 2. Directive Principles of State Policy 36 – 51 3. Fundamental Duties specified for citizens of India 51 A 4. Official Language of Union Government of India – Hindi (Until it was changed to English) 343 5. Imposit


  Plant Kingdom  The plant kingdom is the study of various subgroups of plants each one having special features. Plant kingdom classification has changed over time. Earlier, Monera and Fungi were also a part of the plant classification but now they are not a part of the plant kingdom. Recently, the plant kingdom has been divided under  Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms  and  Angiosperms . 1. Algae : Algae are aquatic organisms containing chlorophyll. These organisms are autotrophic in nature and sometimes occur in association with fungi and other animals such as lichen and sloth bear. Mostly, algae occur in moist stones, fresh water, stones and wood. Based on its size, algae can be  Chlamydomonas   (microscopic unicellular),  Volvox  (colonial forms),  Ulothrix  and  Spirogyra  (filamentous). These organisms are usually vegetative in nature and reproduce sexually as well as asexually. Algae reproduce asexually by forming different types of spores, commonly known as  Zoospor